Perfect age to join Gym||Age to start Gym|| Minimum age for Gym||Gym age limit There is no ideal age for stepping into the sports or any other industry; you are never too young for anything it is just about will power, body potential and self interest. In case of sports, although it is necessary to start training at young age because our body very flexible during youth, it easily adapts to changes around it, starting But in case of bodybuilding or fitness Bodybuilding is not about running or jumping it all about lifting weights and for that you need to get physically and mentally mature, your mind and bones should prepared for it. Growth of your hormones should be good, your brain to adapt to gym facts, your muscles should be developed so that it can easily repaired. weight lifting You should join Gym at the age of 14 At the age of 14 you can join Gym or start bodybuilding because in this age your hormones, your body and your mind prepared for bodybuild...
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